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Solving advisor problems through the power of community.

Today’s practice owners are distracted, time-poor, and geographically dispersed, and reaching them efficiently,
at scale, can be a challenge.

Unleashing the power of community can help you solve this challenge.

The Power of Community

Advisors inherently trust the opinions of their peers – as professionals and business owners – more than institutions and product providers.


Peer networks have always been a powerful source of:

• Education
• Wisdom
• Business ideas
• Feedback
• Case studies
• Motivation
• Accountability
• News

What can a community do for your brand?

A branded space is a community within the Ensombl platform where advisors come together to learn, share, and interact with your brand.


Your own community can:

• Position you as a trusted authority
• Provide an experience beyond the product
• Deliver post purchase support, alleviating pressure on call centres and BDMs
• Be a source of feedback and ideas which can drive innovation
• Build user loyalty
• Efficiently move buyers along the purchase journey.

The Ensombl platform is at the heart of Australia's biggest, most progressive, most engaged advice community.

With 8,500 members & platform users, spanning 900 licensees, Ensombl is Australia’s largest and most engaged advice community, counting 1 in 3 advisors amongst its membership.

Our platform attracts over 150,000 page views, and 50,000 engagement actions, every month. The podcasts we have co-created with community members have been downloaded over 800,000 times.

Create your own branded community within the Ensombl platform

An alternative to the risky and expensive option of building your own digital community is to create a branded space within the Ensombl platform.​


Hosting your own space on the Ensombl platform allows you to benefit from the pre-existing engagement, trust and collaboration that has taken nearly a decade to build.


It’s a way you can leverage the 8,500 existing users already on platform and attract new ones, with no IT investment required.

Case Study – CFS creates a space for PY candidates

We’ve partnered with several brands on their own dedicated spaces within the Ensombl platform.

With our help, CFS created their space to support the structured training program they developed for Professional Year (PY) candidates.

Click here to read the more about the CFS space.